Wendy Pearlman - Payot Événements

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photo associée à l'événement Wendy Pearlman Evenement anglophone


Wendy Pearlman

Mercredi 14 mars dès 17h30 Genève Rive Gauche

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« We Crossed a Bridge and it Trembled : Voices From Syria »

Within the framework of the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) in Geneva, our bookstore is delighted to welcome Wendy Pearlman, Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University (WA), whose research focuses on the comparative politics of the Middle East, social movements, political violence, refugees and migration, emotions and mobilization, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Against the backdrop of the wave of demonstrations known as the Arab Spring, in 2011 hundreds of thousands of Syrians took to the streets demanding freedom, democracy and human rights. The government’s ferocious response, and the refusal of the demonstrators to back down, sparked a brutal civil war that over the past five years has escalated into the worst humanitarian catastrophe of our times. Based on interviews with hundreds of displaced Syrians conducted over four years across the Middle East and Europe, We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled is a breathtaking mosaic of first-hand testimonials. Together, they cohere into an unforgettable chronicle that is not only a testament to the power of storytelling but to the strength of those who face darkness with hope, courage, and moral conviction.

Wendy Pearlman will also take part to the forum « Migration : les compétences s’exilent aussi ! » on Thursday 15th March at 8:30 PM [FIFDH, Espace Pitoëff (Grande salle), Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva]

Payot Genève Rive Gauche

Rue de la Confédération 7
1204 Genève

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