Terry Hayes - Payot Événements

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photo associée à l'événement Terry Hayes


Terry Hayes

Samedi 28 septembre de 19h00 à 20h30 Genève

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The Year of the Locust

The Société de Lecture is organizing a special English-speaking week in collaboration with the AMERICA festival, Literature and Cultures of North America, the largest festival of English-speaking literature in France, which takes place every two years in Vincennes near Paris.

This autumn, the Société de Lecture will be involved for the first time in this English literary event.

Multi award-winning screenwriter, TERRY HAYES is back with The Year of the Locust, an epic spy novel with an innovative twist. Ten years after I Am Pilgrim, he renews the thriller genre in an astonishing way.

The interview will be conducted by Kasmira Jefford, Editor in Chief, Geneva Solutions.

Crédit photo: © Philippe Matsas

Société de Lecture

Grand'Rue 11
1204 Genève

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