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La Société de Lecture est heureuse de vous convier à une rencontre avec Katie Kitamura.
Born in 1979, Katie Kitamura grew up in both Japan and California. A New York-based novelist, journalist and art critic, she is the author of four novels, translated into eighteen languages. She teaches creative writing at New York University. Her first two novels, The Longshot (Free Press, 2009) and Gone to the Forest (Free Press, 2013), were finalists for the New York Public Library’s Young Lions Fiction Award. Katie Kitamura’s novel Intimacies (Penguin Books, 2021 / Stock, 2023) is an electrifying story about an interpreter caught between many truths. Her novel was shortlisted for the National Book Award. A Separation was her first title translated into French (Les pleureuses, Stock, 2017).
This interview is conducted by Philippe Mottaz, journalist and founder of The Geneva Observer.
Crédit photo: © Clayton Cubbit
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