Colum McCann - Payot Événements

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photo associée à l'événement Colum McCann


Colum McCann

Mercredi 29 septembre de 19h30 à 21h00 Genève

  • Sur réservation:
  • Tarifs: Membres Fr. 20.- / non-membres Fr. 35.- / étudiants Fr. 10.-
  • Cette rencontre se déroule en anglais via vidéo conférence avec Palestine, Israel, New York et Genève
  • Livre(s) présenté(s)
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La Société de Lecture est heureuse de vous convier à une rencontre avec Colum McCann et les protagonistes de Apeirogon; Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan, en vidéo conférence.

Apeirogon named for a shape with a countably infinite number of slides. It is also the title of Irish writer Colum McCann’s last novel which dives into the lives of Palestinian Bassam Aramin and Israeli Rami Elhanan, both victims of the conflict, trying to survive after the death of their daughters (Abir Aramin, 1997-2007, and Smadar Elhanan, 1983-1997). There is shock, grief, memories ans mourning. Then the desire to save lives. Together, they are active members of Parents Circles Families Forum (with 600 other bereaved Israelis and Palestinians who have lost an immediate family member in the conflict). They share their story in Israel and Palestine and encourage others to choose the path of reconciliation. They also travel the world so that their story serve as a model to others. Their commitment brings a profound human and beneficial awareness beyond the sad news of the Middle East. Colum McCann’s Apeirogon conveys a subtle and poetic understanding of the mechanims that fuel this tragedy by outlining a third way that could lead to peace. Live via video conference from Palestine, Israel, New York and Geneva, the two protagonists and the novelist Colum McCann will talk about their journey and the strength of this multi-faceted novel.

Cette rencontre virtuelle a lieu en partenariat avec l’association à but non-lucratif B8 of Hope.

Crédit photo: © Patrice Normand_Opale_Leemage

Société de Lecture

Grand'Rue 11
1204 Genève

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