Les réservations sont closes pour cet évènement.
Food is at the heart of our lives. A quiet breakfast in the early morning, a big meal with family and friends around the table, a quick snack in the afternoon… There are so many ways to enjoy eating, even through beautiful picture books!
That’s why we invite you to savor a fantastic menu of pages and stories, tales and jokes each tastier than the other.
Bon appétit!
Every month, Payot Rive Gauche’s booksellers will welcome you in the English department (1st floor) for Children’s Storytime, from 10.30am: children from 2 to 10 years old will be able to listen to stories in english.
Inscriptions by phone at 022 316 19 00, e-mail rive-gauche@payot.ch or at the bookshop. The presence of a parent is recommended.
et recevez toutes les deux semaines ou chaque mois, dans votre boîte mail, l’actualité événementielle de vos librairies préférées ! Retrouvez aussi nos événements culturels partenaires si vous le souhaitez.