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La Société de Lecture est heureuse de vous convier à une rencontre avec Alice Kaplan.
Alice Kaplan is Sterling Professor of French and Director of the Whitney Humanities Center at Yale University, as well as a specialist of 20th century France. Her previous books include The Interpreter, Dreaming in French: The Paris Years of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, Susan Sontag and Angela Davis and Looking for The Stranger: Albert Camus and the Life of a Literary Classic.
Alice Kaplan’s first novel Maison Atlas (Le bruit du monde, 2022) crosses continents and decades. 1994 : Emily, a sensitive, timid American, leaves Minnesota to spend a year abroad studying in Bordeaux. In one of her classes she meets the charming Daniel Atlas, an Algerian Jew, and they fall in love. As civil war breaks out at home, he’s forced to leave Emily and France. Returning to El Biar, the neighborhood where he grew up, Daniel finds his parents isolated and threatened. His family, successful property owners with a distinguished history and deep Algerian roots, stayed put after the country won its independence in 1962, when most Jews moved away. 2016 : Becca, a young American student, travels to Algiers to better understand the Atlas family legacy.
Crédit photo: © Bob Handelman
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